EurECCA, European Cabin Crew Association welcomes newest members: ANPAV and UNAC
15 Febbraio 2021Anpav: Richiesta al Ministero della Salute su assegnazione ‘classe priorità vaccinale COVID-19’ per il Personale Navigante
23 Febbraio 2021Anpav diventa membro di EurECCA – European Cabin Crew Association
Brussels, 15 February 2021
EurECCA, European Cabin Crew Association welcomes newest members: ANPAV and UNAC.
EurECCA, the European Cabin Crew Association, based in Brussels welcomes two new unions members into its growing membership: Associazione Nazionale Professionale Assistenti di Volo – ANPAV – from Italy and Union des Navigants de l’Aviation Civile – UNAC – from France.
EurECCA’s President, Annette Groeneveld says: “We are extremely proud to announce that ANPAV and UNAC joined EurECCA. Like our other union members in France, Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, Italy, Portugal and Spain they will benefit from EurECCA ’s strong and unified voice for cabin crew throughout Europe. We look forward to working in close cooperation with ANPAV and UNAC representing their interests before Europe’s major regulatory bodies and institutions.
Representing 70% of all cabin crew in Europe, the 33,000 affiliates represented by their national unions in their respective European countries, look to EurECCA to be their
voice in Brussels. EurECCA works to protect and develop the rights of cabin crew all over Europe, especially in the fields of on-board safety, health, work and living
conditions of cabin crew. EurECCA’s staff and Board Members, and their real life experience and expertise are assets when discussing and finding solutions to the issues
that matter.
EurECCA represents, protects and develops the rights and needs of cabin crew all over Europe